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Showing posts with the label Breeds

Cattle Breeding Farms

  Cattle Breeding Farms Central Cattle Breeding Farms Central Cattle Breeding Farm, P.O. Dhamrod, District : Surat-394 125. Gujarat Ph: 02646-276109 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, P.O. Sunabeda-2, District : Koraput-793 002. Odisha. Ph: 06853-223390 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Andesh Nagar, P.B. No. 63, District : Lakhimpurkheri 262701. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 05872-252835 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Cattle Farm (Post) Alamathi Thiruvallur-Redhills Road Chennai-52 Ph: 044-26310884 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Chiplima, P.O. Basant Pur Via-CA Chiplima, District Sambalpur-768025. Odisha. Ph: 0663-2570722 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Suratgarh, P.O. Bhagwandar Distt Sriganganagar-335804, Rajasthan. Ph: 01509 268091 Central Cattle Breeding Farm, Hessarghatta, Bangalore North-560 088. Karnataka Ph: 080-28466227   State Cattle Breeding Farms Himachal pradesh Cattle Breeding Farms, Department of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh Cattle Breeding farm, Palampur, Distt. Kangra Ph: 1894-...

Buffalo breeds

  Buffalo breeds Indigenous buffalo breeds 1. Murrah It is the most important breed of buffaloes whose home is Rohtak, Hisar and Jind of Haryana, Nabha and Patiala districts of Punjab and southern parts of Delhi state. This is otherwise called as   Delhi, Kundi and Kali. The colour is usually jet black with white markings on tail and face and extremities sometimes found. The tightly curved horn is an important character of this breed. The buffalo cows of this breed are one of the most efficient milk and butter fat producers in India. Butter fat content is 7%. Average lactation yield is varying from 1500-2500 kgs and the average milk yield is 6.8 kgs /day. It is also used for the grading up of inferior local buffaloes. 2. Surti The breeding tract of this breed is Kaira and Baroda district of Gujarat. Coat colour varies from rusty brown to silver-grey. Skin is black or brown. The horns are sickle shaped, moderately long and flat. The peculiarity of the breed is two white collars...

Exotic dairy breeds of cattle ( Foreign)

  Exotic dairy breeds of cattle 1. Jersey It is the smallest of the dairy types of cattle developed on island of Jersey, U.K. In India this breed has acclimatized well and is widely used in cross breeding with indigenous cows. The typical colour of Jersey cattle is reddish fawn. Dished fore head and compact and angular body. These are economical producers of milk with 5.3% fat and 15% SNF. 2. Holstein Friesian This breed was developed in the northern parts of Netherlands, especially in the province of Friesland. They are ruggedly built and they possess large udder. They are the largest dairy breed and mature cows weigh as much as 700kg. They have typical marking of black and white that make them easily distinguishable. The average production of cow is 6000 to 7000 kgs per lactation. However, the fat content in their milk is rather low (3.45 per cent). 3. Brown Swiss The mountainous region of Switzerland is the place of origin of Brown Swiss breed. It is famous in its home tract for...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Tharparkar

 Tharparkar Tharparkar (named after the Thar Desert in Rajasthan) is a dual purpose and disease resistant cattle breed. The breed is also known as “White Sindhi”, “Grey Sindhi” and “Thari” as per the place of its actual origin (Sind, Pakistan).  The breeding tract of the breed includes Kutchchh district of Gujarat and Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan.  The breed is medium sized compact with white and light grey coloured coat. Face and extremities are darker than rest of the body. In bulls neck, hump, and fore and hind quarters are also dark. The colour gets darker during winter. The animals can thrive well on small bushy vegetation (Sewan grass) during drought and fodder scarcity condition and produce reasonabe amount of milk with an average yield of 1749 kilo grams per lactation (ranging from 913 to 2147 Kg per lactation). Good animals with high nutrition have produced even higher than 3000 litre per lactation in farm condition. The males are also goo...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Sahiwal

 Sahiwal Sahiwal is considered to be one of the best milch cattle breed of India. The breed derives its name from Sahiwal area in Montgomery district of Punjab in Pakistan. These animals are also known as “Lambi Bar”, “Lola”, “Montgomery”, “Multani” and “Teli”. The animals are very good for specialized dairy purpose.  The breeding tract of the breed is Ferozpur and Amritsar districts of Punjab and Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan. Good herds of pure Sahiwal cattle are available around Fazilka and Abohar towns of Ferozepur district in Punjab. The cows are brownish red in colour; shades may vary from a mahogany red brown to more greyish red. Extremities in bulls are darker than rest of body colour. Occasionally there are white patches. Animals have well developed udder, good slope at rump and shorter horns. Dewlap is medium in size. Average lactation yield of Sahiwal cows is 2325 kilo grams. The lactation yield ranges from 1600 to 2750 Kg. However, selected herds may have hi...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Red Sindhi

 Red Sindhi Red Sindhi is a reputed heat tolerant milch cattle breed originating from Sindh province of Pakistan. The breed is also known as “Malir”, “Red Karachi” and “Sindhi”.  It is considered that breed is evolved from Las Bela cattle of Bela, Baluchistan.  The breed is of distinct red colour and darker than Sahiwal. Red shades vary from dark red to dim yellow but most commonly, the animals are dark red. Occasionally small white patches are seen in dewlap and forehead. Horns are thick at the base and emerge laterally and curve upward. The Red Sindhi breed has a very high genetic potential for milk production and comparable with Sahiwal. In India, the animals of the breed are not available in field condition. The breed was used in many countries including USA, Australia, Philippines, Brazil and Sri Lanka for breed development. The milk yield of the cattle ranges from 1100 to 2600 kg per lactation with an average yield of 1840 kg per lactation. Fat percentage in the mil...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Rathi

 Rathi Rathi is an important milch breed of cattle found in the arid regions of Rajasthan. This breed functions as a major livelihood source for the farmers in this region. It takes its name from a pastoral tribe called Raths who are Muslims of Rajput extraction and lead a nomadic life. Rathi animals are particularly concentrated in Loonkaransar tehsil of Bikaner district, which is also known as Rathi tract. The Breeding tract of this breed lies in the heart of Thar Desert consisting of Bikaner, Ganganagar and Jaisalmer districts of Rajasthan. Rathi cattle are thought to have evolved from intermixing of Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar and Dhanni breeds with a preponderance of Sahiwal blood.  The animals are usually brown with white patches all over the body, but animals having completely brown or black coat with white patches are also seen. The eco system in its native tract is fragile and the lands are less fertile with very low productivity. Scorching summer (50 degree C), c...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Punganur

 Punganur Punganur is a dwarf dual purpose cattle breed and mainly confined to Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. This breed was developed by Rulers of Punganur  area and hence named after the area. The breeding tract is confined to the taluks of Punganur and adjacent taluks of Vayalpad, Madnapalli and Palamaner in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. It is mainly maintained at Livestock Research Station, Palamaner, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, attached to Shri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati. Some animals are also maintained by private breeders. It is white, grey or light brown to dark brown or red in colour. Sometimes, animals with white colour mixed with red, brown or black coloured patches are also seen. Well-noticed by its short stature, the breed has a broad forehead and short horns. The horns are crescent shaped and often loose curving backward and forward in males and lateral and forward in females. Known for draught resistance, it can thrive well ...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Pulikulam

 Pulikulam Pulikulam is a popular draught and game breed of Tamil Nadu. It is named after its village of origin (Pulikulam in Tamil Nadu) and is also known as “Palingu maadu”, “Mani maadu”, “Jallikattu maadu”, “Mattu maadu” and “Kilakattu maadu”.  Madurai, Sivaganda and Virudhunagar districts of Tamil Nadu form its breeding tract. Males are dark grey in colour while females are white or grey.The animals are small sized with compact body and short legs. Muzzle, eyelids, tail switch and hooves are black. Fore Head is broad and has a groove at centre. Hump is large in males and small in females. Udder  is not well developed. Horns are curved outward, upward, backward and then inward, ending with pointed tips spaced wide apart. The breed is not meant for milk production and only a few animals are milked in a large herd for consumption by herdsman. Generally, milk yield is about 1.25 Kg per day within a range of 0.5 kg to 2 Kg. The animals are also reared for manure purpose. F...

Indian Cattle Breed - Ongole

 Ongole Ongole is a prominent dual purpose breed of Andhra Pradesh. The breed got its name from its geographical area of origin, i.e. Ongole. The breed is also known as “Nellore” as the Ongole area was earlier in Nellore district. The breeding tract of the breed includes East Godavari, Guntur, Ongole, Nellore and Kurnool districts of Andhra Pradesh and extends all along the coast from Nellore to Vizianagram.  The breed is known for hardiness, disease resistance and capacity to thrive on scanty resources. Animals of the Ongole breed were extensively exported to USA for beef production; Brazil for beef and milk production; Sri Lanka, Fiji and Jamaica for draught; Australia for heat tolerance and beef; and Switzerland for disease resistance. The breed has glossy white coat colour. Males possess dark markings on head, neck and hump and black points on knees and pastern. Horns are short and stumpy, growing outward and backward from the outer angles of the poll, thick at the base an...

Indian Cattle Breed - Nagori

  Nagori The breeding tract of Nagori breed is Bikaner, Jodhpur and Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The breed takes its name from the name of the home tract i.e., Nagaur district but animals are also found in adjoining Jodhpur district and Nokha tehsil of Bikaner district. They are White in colour and are upstanding, very alert and agile animals with long and narrow face like that of a horse. Considering the proximity of the native tracts of the Hariana breed of cattle in the north and northeast and Kankrej breed of cattle in the south and southwest, it seems reasonable to suppose that Nagori cattle may have evolved from these breeds.  Nagori cattle are fine, big, upstanding, active and docile, with white and grey colour. They have long, deep and powerful frames, with straight backs and well-developed quarters. The face is long and narrow but the forehead is flat and not so prominent. The eyelids are rather heavy and overhanging and the eyes are small, clear and bright. The ears...

Indian Cattle Breed - Malvi

 Malvi Malvi is named after its place of origin viz. “Malwa” region. It is also known by synonyms as “Mahadeo puri” & “Manthani”. The breeding tract includes Rajgarh, Shajapur, Ratlam and Ujjain districts of Madhya Pradesh. Malvi cattle are white or white greyish - darker in males, with neck, shoulders, hump and quarters almost black. Cows and bullocks become nearly pure white with age.  The horns are curved and emerge from the outer angle of the poll in an outward and upward direction  and are about 20 - 25 cm in long. The animals are well known for quick transportation, endurance and ability to carry heavy load on rough roads. The animals of this breed are strong and well–built. The average milk yield in this breed is around 916 Kg per lactation with 4.3% fat   and ranges from 627 Kg to 1227 Kg. For further details, please follow below given link:   Compiled by Animal Breeding Group, NDDB from Information System ...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Malnad Gidda

 Malnad Gidda Malnad Gidda is also known as “Gidda”, “Uradana” and “Varshagandhi”. “Malnad” means a hilly region and “Gidda” means small or dwarf. The breeding tract of this breed includes Chikmagalur,  Dakshin Kannada, Hassan, Kodagu, Shimoga, Uttar Kannada and Udupi districts of Karnataka. They play a major role in the rural economy of this region by providing milk, manure and draft power with negligible inputs. They are well adapted to the local agro-ecological systems of Western Ghats. The predominant coat colour is black with light shades of fawn on thigh and shoulder region. Horns are generally small, straight, outward, upward and inward. They are small with compact body frame and adult animals are around 90 centimetres tall. Tail switch is black in color, hump is small, udder is also small and bowl shaped. Malnad Gidda cattle are reared under low input low output system. In some areas, it is zero input system where animals sustain solely on grazing. Elite cows give 3-5 ...

Indian Cattle Breed - Krishna Valley

 Krishna Valley Krishna Valley breed is a draught breed used extensively in the black cotton soil in the watershed of Krishna River. The breed is also known as “Kistna Valley”.  The breeding tract of the breed includes Belgaum, Raichur and Bijapur districts of Karnataka and Satara, Sangli and Solapur districts of Maharashtra. It is believed that the Gir and Kankrej breeds of Gujarat, Ongole breed of Andhra Pradesh and local cattle having Mysore type blood in them have contributed to the origin of this breed. The common colour is grey - white with a darker shade on fore & hindquarters in males. Adult females are more whitish in appearance. Brown & white, black & white, and mottled colours are often seen.  Its massive body and distinct bulging forehead can easily identify this breed. Horns are small in size and curved and usually emerge in an outward direction from the outer angles of the poll curving slightly upward and inward.  For further details, please...

Indian Cattle Breed - Khillar

 Khillar Is a draught breed and bullocks are known for quick draught capability.  The breeding tract of this breed is Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Bangalkote district of Karnataka and Pune, Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur, Osmanabad district of Maharashtra. Khillar breed is also known as “Mandeshi”, “Shikari” and “Thillar”. This breed is believed to have originated from Hallikar or Amritmahal breed of cattle. Four types of Khillar cattle are prevalent in different parts of the country. “Atpadi Mahal” in Southern Maharashtra, “Mhaswad” in Solapur and Satara area, “Thillari” in Satpura range of hills, and “Nakali” in adjoining area of this region. The typical Khillar animal is compact and tight skinned, with clean cut features. The whole appearance is like a compact cylinder with stout, strongly set limbs. There is a slight rise in the level of the back towards the pelvis. Horns are long and pointed and follow the backward curve of the forehead which are placed close t...

Indian Cattle Breed - Kankrej

 Kankrej Kankrej cattle are also known as  “Wadad” or “Waged”, “Vagadia”, “Talabda”, “Nagar”, “Bonnai”.  It takes its name from the name of geographical area i.e. Kankrej taluka of Banaskantha district in Gujarat. They are found in the area southeast of Rann of Kutch comprising Mehsana, Kutchchh, Ahmedabad, Kheda, Anand, Sabarakantha and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat and Barmer and Jodhpur districts of Rajasthan.  Kankrej, famously known as Guzerat in Brazil, is being maintained in large numbers as a pure breed in that country. The Guzerat was the most important breed in the formation of American Brahman. The unique characteristics like resistant to tick fever, heat stress, very little incidence of contagious abortion and tuberculosis made Kankrej a very popular one among these countries. Coat colour of the animal varies from silver grey to iron grey and steel black. In males, forequarters, hindquarters, and hump are slightly darker than the rest of the body. Bull...

Indian Cattle Breeds - Kangayam

Kangayam Kangayam is a drought breed of Tamilnadu which also known as “Kanganad” and “Kongu”. The breeding tract of this breed is Coimbatore, Erode, Dindigul, Karur and Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu.    This breed derives its name from its habitat - Kangayam taluk of Erode district (earlier part of Coimbatore district). Late Pattogar of Palayakottai developed this breed. This breed resembles Umblachery breed. Animals true to the type are available in Kangayam and Dharapuram taluks of Erode district, and Karur taluk of Karur district. The breed is usually of grey or white in color.  Coat is red at birth, but changes to grey at about 6 months of age. The males are generally grey in color with black or very dark grey markings on the head, neck, hump and quarters. Cows are generally white and grey with deep markings on the knees, and just above the fetlocks on all four legs. The most prominent feature of this breed is that they have dark eyes with prominent black rings arou...

Indian Cattle Breed - Hariana

Hariana Hariana is one of the most prominent dual purpose cattle breed of Indo Gangetic plain and named according to the breeding tract of the breed (Haryana state). The breed was earlier known as ‘Hisar’ and ‘Hansi’ according to their place of origin.  The breeding tract of the breed includes Hisar, Rohtak, Sonepat, Gurgaon, Jind and Jhajjar districts of Haryana.   Typically, the breed is white or light grey coloured with coffin shaped skull. In bulls colour in between fore and hind quarters is relatively dark or dark grey. The animals have long and narrow face, well-marked bony prominence at the centre of poll and small horns. The breed is mainly maintained for bullock production as they are powerful work animals and therefore more attention is paid in managing male calves. However, the cows also produce fair amount of milk. Good cows can produce even up to 1700 kilo grams of milk in a lactation with average cows producing around 997 Kg in a lactation (ranging between 6...

Indian Cattle Breed - Hallikar

Hallikar Also known as “Mysore”,  the breed is considered as best draught breed of Southern India. The breeding tract comprises Mysore, Mandya, Bangalore, Kolar, Tumkur, Hassan and Chitradurga districts of Karnataka. It is white to light grey in colour. Young breeding bulls have dark shades on shoulder and hindquarters. Horns emerge near each other from top of poll and are carried straight, upward and backward, till nearly half the length and then orient slightly forward and inward with pointed tips. White markings or irregular patches around the eyes, cheeks, neck or shoulder region are also found. The animals are maintained in semi-intensive management system by professional breeders. Green fodder chiefly comprises finger-millet, grass, sorghum or pearl-millet. Average milk yield per lactation is 542 kg ranging from 227-1134 kg with average milk fat of 5.7%. For further details, please follow below given link: Compiled by Animal Breeding Gro...

Indian Cattle Breed - Gir

Gir Gir cows are good milk producers among indigenous cattle. The breed is also known as “Bhodali”, “Desan”, “Gujarati”, “Kathiawari”, “Sorthi”, and “Surati”.  The breeding tract of the breed includesSaurashtra region of Gujarat. Gir is named after Gir forest, the geographical area of origin of the breed.  Bullocks can drag heavy loads on all kinds of soils, be it sandy, black or rocky. This is a world-renowned breed known for its tolerance to stress conditions. Having faced scarcity for a numbers of years, it has the capacity of yielding more milk with less feeding and is resistant to various tropical diseases. Due to their special qualities, animals of this breed have been imported by countries like Brazil, USA, Venezuela and Mexico, and are being bred there successfully. The animals are of red colour though some animals are speckled red. Horns are peculiarly curved. Starting at the base of the crown they take a sideways downward and backward curve and again incline a little...