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Selection of dairy animal Species


Selection of dairy animal Species: -

In India both cows and buffaloes are used for milk production. Each species has its own merits and demerits as a dairy animal. The entrepreneur should take a decision about animal species depending upon merits and demerits of the animal. One can also start a dairy farm with 50% cows and 50% buffaloes.



Merits of a crossbred cow versus Buffalo

  •     Crossbred cow gives more milk than buffalo(4000-5000Kg/lactation)
  •    Calving interval between two calving is less in comparison to Buffalo (about one year)
  •    Crossbred heifer attains maturity at an early age (one year to 18 months)
  •    Crossbred cows are quiet, can be handled easily
  •    Can be milked easily with a milking machine
  •   Cost of Crossbred cow is less in comparison to Buffalo of the same yield
  •   It is easy to detect heat and artificially inseminate a cow

Demerits of crossbred cows

  •  Fat content in milk is low only 3.5-6%
  •  Sale price of cow milk is less in comparison to buffalo milk
  • Crossbred animals are not suited to our environmental condition
  •  Crossbred animals are more prone to mastitis, milk fever & other diseases
  • Cost of male Crossbred animal is negligible

Advantages of Dairy buffaloes

  • Buffaloes are best   adapted to our local environment
  • Buffaloes are disease resistant
  • Fat content of buffalo milk is more in comparison to CB Cows (6-9%)
  • Buffalo milk  fetches more price
  • Male buffalo  fetch a good price
  • Buffalo Can survive well with crop residue during drought.

Disadvantages of Buffalo as a dairy animal:-

  • Buffalo heifer Mature at an age of 2- 3 years
  • Calving interval is 3-5 months more in comparison to CB Cows
  •  Most of the buffaloes come to silent heat which is difficult to detect
  •  High yielding buffaloes are not easily available
  • It is difficult to handle buffaloes since they are vicious


Selection of Dairy animal

How to select a cow for the dairy farm?

Selection of cow is moist important step in dairy farming Success of the dairy farm business depends upon the appropriate selection of dairy animal. Given below are some important points which may help in the selection of a good dairy animal.

  •  It is better to purchase an animal from the organized farm as they maintain a pedigree record of the animals.
  •  Check the pedigree record of animal and choose a suitable animal based upon production record.
  • If purchasing from market/fair give stress on breed characteristics
  • Select dairy animal in first or second lactation and in the second month of calving.
  • Body of the animal should be angular.
  •   Skin of the animal should be thin, pliable, hairs smooth, fine and soft.
  •  cow should be docile. and allow anybody to milk.
  •   Nostril of the cow should be large and muzzle wide and moist.
  •   Horns should be smooth and typical of the breed.
  •   Neck should be slender and of medium length.
  •   Eyes should be Large, bright and prominent.
  •  Dewlap should be thin, light with graceful folds.
  •    Chest should be wide with the well-arced thorax.
  •  Hip bones should be prominent and wide apart.
  •   Pin bones should be prominent and wide apart.
  •  Hind legs should be prominent and wide apart.
  • Udder should be well developed, pliable, Free from fat and fibrous tissue.
  •  Milk Veins should be long, tortuous.
  • Teats should be medium and uniform.
  • Cow must have a healthy calf.
  • Check 3-4 consecutive milk yield before purchase.



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