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Health Management of Cattles

  Health Management Bloat Causes Lush, young pastures and leaves containing high concentration of soluble protein and dominated legume plants particularly alfalfa, red and white clovers and occurs with grazing of young green cereal crops, rape, turnips and legume vegetable crops. Feeding of high quality hay. Feeding of high grain diet. Feeding of the finely ground feed. Physical obstruction to eructation occurs in esophageal obstruction caused by a foreign body, pressure outside the esophagus and obstruction of cardia. Clinical symptoms Obvious distention of the rumen and entire abdomen. Discomfort with the animal may stand and lying down frequently, kicking at its abdomen and rolling. Sudden death with distended abdomen. Dyspnea and grunting accompanied by mouth breathing Protrusion of the tongue and extension of the head. Suggested first aid The passage of a stomach tube or trocarization to release large quantities of gas. An incision of about 10-20 cm in length over the left paralum

Common management practices

  Common management practices Colostrum feeding Colostrum is the first milk secreted after parturition. It contains large amount of gamma globulins which are anti-bodies produced by the cow against antigens encounter during her life including those against many disease producing organisms. Colostrum is highly fortified source of nutrient having 7 times the protein and twice the total solids of normal milk, thus it gives an early boost in portion and solid intake. It contain higher amount of minerals and vitamin A which are essential to combat disease. Ingestion of these through colostrum substantially increases the calf’s survivability. Absorption of these antibodies provides the calf with an umbrella of passive immunity. Colostrum gives a laxative effect which is helpful in expulsion of muconium (first faeces). It will be highly useful to feed colostrum in the first 15-30 minutes followed by a second dose in approximately 10-12 hours. First ½ hour to 12 hours of life, calf should be g

Clean milk production

  Clean milk production The importance of dairy industry in India has become an important segment of food industry with the increasing vegetarian population. The import of milk products due to liberalization of Indian economy has necessitated the production of quality milk by our farmers. Need for clean milk production The objective of clean milk can be achieved by practical application of science based system such as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Not only it should produce quantum milk, but must also be free from debris, microbes and must remain so, till it is consumed. Raw milk quickly becomes sour when it is stored for long periods at high ambient temperatures prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries. This is because, the inherent lactic acid bacteria and contaminating microorganisms from milk vessels or the environment break down the lactose in milk to lactic acid. When sufficient lactic acid has accumulated, the milk becomes sour and coagulates. Raw milk t