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Showing posts with the label Dairy Farming

Exotic dairy breeds of cattle ( Foreign)

  Exotic dairy breeds of cattle 1. Jersey It is the smallest of the dairy types of cattle developed on island of Jersey, U.K. In India this breed has acclimatized well and is widely used in cross breeding with indigenous cows. The typical colour of Jersey cattle is reddish fawn. Dished fore head and compact and angular body. These are economical producers of milk with 5.3% fat and 15% SNF. 2. Holstein Friesian This breed was developed in the northern parts of Netherlands, especially in the province of Friesland. They are ruggedly built and they possess large udder. They are the largest dairy breed and mature cows weigh as much as 700kg. They have typical marking of black and white that make them easily distinguishable. The average production of cow is 6000 to 7000 kgs per lactation. However, the fat content in their milk is rather low (3.45 per cent). 3. Brown Swiss The mountainous region of Switzerland is the place of origin of Brown Swiss breed. It is famous in its home tract for its

Indian Cattle and Buffalo Breeds

  Breeds of Cattle and Buffalo Cattle Breeds     Indigenous dairy breeds of cattle   1. Gir   This breed is otherwise called as Bhadawari, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati. Originated in Gir forests of South Kathiawar in Gujarat also found in Maharashtra and adjacent Rajasthan. Basic colours of skin are white with dark red or chocolate-brown patches or sometimes black or purely red. Horns are peculiarly curved, giving a ‘half moon’ appearance. Milk yield ranges from 1200-1800 kgs per lactation. This bread is known for its hardiness and disease resistance     2. Red Sindhi This breed is otherwise called as Red Karachi and Sindhi and Mahi. Originated in Karachi and Hyderabad (Pakistan) regions of undivided India and also reared in certain organized farms in our country. Colour is red with shades varying from dark red to light, strips of white. Milk yield ranges from 1250 to 1800 kgs per lactation. Bullocks despite lethargic and slow can be used for road and field work.   3

Cattle Breeds

  Breeds India has been blessed with a large repository of indigenous bovine population with rich bio-diversity. There are 50 well-defined breeds of cattle and 17 breeds of buffaloes. These breeds have evolved over generations, surviving due to their adaptability to harsh climatic conditions, ability to perform on poor quality feed and fodder, resistance to diseases etc. Adult males of some native breeds are also known for their draft qualities. Thus these Indigenous breeds are well adapted to our existing agro-climatic conditions and are resistant to many tropical diseases and can survive and produce on marginal and poor feed and fodder resources. Some of these breeds are well known for their high milk and fat production. However, the production potential of these animals has deteriorated over a period of time due to lack of selection. The population of some of the breeds have declined over years and the primary reason for such decline in numbers of such breeds is reduced productivity